R time to Stop Bullying
This book is a much valued part of the R time suite of books.
Bullying remains a constant daily threat and reality to so many children with the consequent Mental Health and Well - Being issues. A bullied child will not perform well in school.
This book uses paired work activities to create an environment of trust throughout the class.
This book also aims to support schools in the development of a whole school approach to anti - bullying.
The aim of the book is to support schools in developing a whole school approach to anti-bullying.
R time to Stop Bullying contains:
- Clearly defined lesson plans using the R time approach for every year group from Foundation to Year 6. Each lesson lasts no longer than 15 minutes.
- Ten all-age assemblies with a variety of ideas, games, stories, quizzes and built in Thinking and Quiet reflective times.
- A song written by children on the theme of anti-bullying.
- Guidance for an anti-bullying policy. Helpful to all those involved in writing and implementing the policy.
- A 2 page exemplar anti-bullying policy that can be used by all purchasing schools.
- Support, additional activities and ideas for everyday use in school to underpin the anti-bullying message.
- Useful addresses to find out more about anti-bullying initiatives.
For details of prices and to order your copy click here.