What is Better Behaved?
Better Behaved has been written to address key and fundamental issues in establishing a consistent and effective programme that supports children on their behaviour journey.
Better Behaved is a practical guide to developing and maintaining a sustainable behavioural management system in any primary school.
Better Behaved is about the HOWs of behaviour management in primary education.
HOW can the status of behaviour be raised in the school?
Raising the status of behaviour is vital for the schools’ ethos, pupil progress and safety, staff well-being and all round satisfaction. The strategies described in Better Behaved will help you to achieve this.
HOW can the head teacher successfully carry out their role as the Behaviour Manager?
The head teacher must lead from the front by taking responsibility for the school’s behaviour strategy and then supporting all other staff members in implementing it successfully.
HOW is it possible to create a positive behavioural environment for learning?
Behaviour for learning is about the emotional well-being of the child, their self-esteem, their relationship with others (both peers and adults) and their approach to the curriculum.
HOW can three simple rules have such an impact on everyday living?
Better Behaved demonstrates how schools can establish a clear framework of rules that promote outstanding behaviour, effective learning, self-discipline, respect, manners and well-being.
HOW can lunchtimes become an oasis of peace and calm?
Better Behaved identifies what sort of ‘super vision’ is required to make lunchtimes as productive and peaceful as possible. For many primary schools this time during the school day can be difficult. Better Behaved includes a programme called ‘Going for Gold’ that will make lunch breaks an enjoyable experience for everyone in the school.
HOW is it possible to ensure that not one child can slip through the net of caring?
Children’s learning can be compromised if they don’t feel safe and valued. In any school there can be children who can be left wondering if they really do matter. Better Behaved describes a simple way of ensuring that every child does matter. This process will be an invaluable resource for your school. It is simple, effective, not time consuming, easy to use and for some children, life changing!
HOW is it possible to help children become responsible for their own behaviour?
The bottom line with regards to behaviour is that the children themselves are ultimately responsible for their own behaviour – and let’s be honest most do an excellent job. What is vital is that we don’t give up on the small minority who appear to take a delight in disrupting the class and making life unpleasant and difficult for many in the class who do behave and want to learn and work.
HOW is it possible to get the parents on board?
The 2014 Ofsted framework for school inspections underlines that in order to obtain an ‘Outstanding’ judgement in terms of leadership and management; schools have to provide evidence of successful strategies for engaging with parents and carers, to the very obvious benefit of pupils, including those who might traditionally find working with school difficult.
HOW is it? HOW will it? HOW can I? HOW is it all possible?
HOW? Open the pages of Better Behaved and you will find the answers to many of the above questions – as well as many more, including:
- Anti- bullying ideas – ever heard of S.T.O.P?
- Setting up and developing a nurture provision
- Improving attendance and lateness.
- How to support supply teachers
- Is your NQT – Not Quite Trained!! Or a valued and supported New Quality Teacher?
- What about teaching behaviour through well thought out lesson plans?
- Are you aware of key behavioural disorders; how to identify them and support the children with them?
“A book no school should be without. Packed with ideas, excellent practise and a ‘we can make a difference’ approach. It’s such an easy read I found it hard to put down!”
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