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An Independent Evaluation of R time

An evaluation of R time work was undertaken in four primary schools for Derby City.

A summary of the main findings are as follows:

  • 81% of children in 3 schools show a more positive attitude as a result of R time.
  • Teachers reported 50% less squabbles for them to sort out.
  • 79% of children show greater respect towards each other, with 21% showing the same level of respect.
  • 86% of children demonstrate good manners more frequently now.
  • 60% of children who have been exposed to the principles of R time frequently use each other’s names in lessons when compared with those who have not followed an R time programme.
  • 64% use eye contact and appropriate body language when talking to each other.
  • 52% of children frequently and openly encourage each other by name.
  • 76% of children are comfortable working in random pairs rather than choosing who they wish to work with.
  • 62% of children are more comfortable working in groups where sharing is expected.
  • 60% of children are now more confident to contribute to a class discussion.
  • 48% of children behave better as a result of R time.
  • 62% less children are left out of friendship groups as a result of R time.

Summary of pupil’s feedback.

  • "R time is about caring for each other, always trying our best, using good manners and enjoying learning."
  • "R time is when you work with someone you don't choose, and show them respect and good manners. You use their name and get on with each other and are kind."
  • "R time is about having fun, not who is your partner."
  • "I thought working with girls would be silly but after regularly doing it, it was fun!"
  • "R time brings out the best in you."
  • "All the skills we learn in R time are for everyday life."

Summary of Teacher’s feedback.

  • "The children are more confidant and more able to discuss issues and disputes calmly."
  • "Using good manners has become instinctive."
  • "R time always makes me feel like a huge "bringing the class together" session."
  • "It's a pool of calm in a busy day."
  • "I can refer to the R time rules and expectations at any time of the day. R time supports my behaviour management."
  • "Children have much more respect for each other and are calmer."

The full report is available to download as a pdf file. The report is published with permission of Derby City Local Authority and the Staff of the Targeted Mental Health in Schools (TaMHS) project.

To download a pdf copy of R time evalution 2014 click here .

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